London Photo Show 2023
Start Exhibition End Exhibition
November 9, 2023 November 12, 2023
Bargehouse Gallery - OxO Tower
Barge House St, South Bank, London SE1 9PH

ArtFullFrame Exhibition 8-13 May 2023 London
Welcome visitors to Coningsby Gallery
30 Tottenham Street • W1T 4RJ - London

London Photo Show
London Exhibition
October 2022
OxO Tower

Previous Events
Exhibition MAY 5-18, 2021 - Willesden Gallery - London UK

Exhibition October 15-18, 2020 - London UK
Once upon a time…..
Drawing back the rich red crimson Stage curtains adorned with tatty gold tassels of discovery, we step into this artist’s gallery is his vibrant interpretation of fairy tales rich in golds, flaming reds and deep blues and blacks of sorcery, pure musical theatre.
Poetic and sensational.
He distorts historically revered works of art and then soothes us with calm serene landscapes.
Having ripped to shreds the childbirth experience, it makes us recoil in horror wonder and then imagine.
You thought it was just a phase, a little bit of theatre, a little stage down a dark alley in Soho, a slip of the senses and morels along the adolescent road of discovery, something to expand the mind and warp the senses, just enjoy, just love, just laugh, just feel lust and fall in love.
Throughout history in art , music and literature, in plain sight, in the background, in the underground, in the foreground… its always been there but you have never see it… well not like this !
“I use things that people want to hide in their heads. War, religion, sex; things we all think about, but don’t bring to the forefront. But I do and I force them to watch it”…… Alexander McQueen
The curtain drops……………..
Taboo is just a word, the forbidden has announced itself to great applause and joy.
The curtain drops, the stage lights dim, you have felt you have been touched a little stardust
And they all lived happily ever after
The Maternity Man is a controversial vision of the Maternity.
A Midwife Angel lost the white wings and got black wings to support the birth ! A Business Woman is making money and “housewife” husband giving a birth ! Social media everywhere !
A picture of New generation family where love is everywhere for everybody no more differences between sex roles.
Social Comment By Niamh Richardson Artist
Religious overtones, Gabriel’s wings are of no help in this situation, they have to be ripped out ,like the birth, it will be brutal, ripping, grasping holwling, what horror is before us?
Some may say, since the beginning of time every childbearing woman has wanted men to experience the painful reality of childbirth to prove they are ultimately the stronger sex , but what if, and are they equipped? It’s a worrying assault on every level, but fascinating, and greedily we want more, to be there watching, and listening we can’t be anything but completely drawn in to this scenario, even to imagining the biology of how it could happen ? what is going on down there?
A controversial vision of Belle and the Beast and Gaston where reality and dream, will come alive with a modern vision of Walt Disney fairy tales. Where Sex Gender is not are not anymore a barriers and became something normal around us
Fairy Tales Comment By Niamh Richardson Artist
Dramatic, theatrical, bold, bright . Two Beautiful men, two handsome beasts, sexy silky dress on a muscle toned body tightly wrapped around in powerful masculinity, the lure of temptation, the desperation of the under-beast, come in and join the feast, but leave the door open…
A controversial vision where appearance and fiction, will come alive with a modern vision of Walt Disney fairy tales.
A fairytale translated into modern and actual characters keeping the same story as it is, but everything is turned "Upside Down".
You are drawn back to childhood but alas remain adults, and allow ourself to be transported between images in a dreamlike reality.
Fairy Tales Comment By Niamh Richardson Artist
How often had we blamed Walt Disney for dipping our toes into the unknown.. if only we had known that there is no such thing as a fairy tale handsome prince.
There are just the deadly sins in this world
Lust, jealously, envy, gluttony and avarice…
Fairy tales are warning to the young, who absolutely ignore them, and so they should…
Alas poor Alice, the table is buckling under the food and drinks, the charming, amazing, wonderful and wretched friends circle her like vultures around a antelope who thinks its all a terribly funny game, but where is she, who are these strange creatures at her tea party ?
“Boys will be boys and girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world except for Lola”.. The Kinks
Written By Niamh Richardson

Exhibition October 15-18, 2019 - London UK
Unpublished shots of Maurizio Cecchini, popular tales, reality and dream, appearance and fiction, will come alive in London Bargehouse OxO Tower.
A fairytale translated into images, where everything is turned "Upside Down".
We are drawn back to childhood but alas remain adults, and allow ourself to be transported between sound and images in a dreamlike reality.​
Chiara Candelone Sticca
Art Advisor

Is photography an illusion or a revelation?
Maurizio Cecchini with his "upside down" project
from a new context, with new symbols, to fairy tales of ancient and consolidated memory.
The two fables proposed are "Alice in Wonderland" and "Beauty and the Beast".
In the first, as in the real fairy tale, there is a story full of allusions, a world full of paradoxes, absurdities and nonsense.
In the second, the need to give a second chance is stronger than ever because the first impression is not always the right one, going beyond appearances.
If these two fairy tales were rewritten today, it would be nice to think that Lewis Carroll and J. Marie Leprince de Beaumont could replace a queen of hearts with a contemporary Drag Queen, always queen, still personification of an uncontrollable passion, and a ferocious and mammoth Beast, a tamer hairy animal, or a defenceless Bella, a transexual proud of being different.
Maurizio Cecchini addresses precisely this difficult theme of different, of the fear of the different rendered with great mastery in the splendid photos, a fantastic quality that makes everyone special, a way to accept oneself and open up to the possibility of being different.
A forerunner of modern times where he dreams of his everyday life that is still far away, a controversial, original and sensitive photographer who wants to bring out that grey part that very often is omitted by discretion or custom.
The perception of images is largely entrusted to the expressive sphere of the individuals, based on aesthetics, on a meticulous reconstruction of the scene, on the pleasure of vision, on emotion.
Maurizio Cecchini does not leave us passive spectators of his works but attentive observers, the filter we use, to see through our experiences and our memories of what we have seen so far, is undermined, swept away by the beauty of the different.
The photographic technique is more than ever the place of that bipolarity present between knowledge and deception, where one's fantasies become real and reality is captured to make dreams real.
The self-educated photographer Maurizio Cecchini with life experiences in a freer London offers us photographs with a Caravaggesque setting, where the subjects are illuminated by a violent light that theatrically emphasises the volumes of bodies and costumes making them take life from the darkness of the scene.
Light has a physical function, it shows the visible, and has a mental function; it acts on the emotional condition.
"Sottosopra" (upsidedown) makes us reflect but also dream with levity that only great photographers can achieve.
Chiara Candelone Sticca
Art Advisor

Personal Exhibition May 20, 2018 - Rome ITALY
Unpublished shots of Maurizio Cecchini, popular tales, reality and dream, appearance and fiction, will come alive to the rhythm of the young music band "All Apologies".
Live music that become the voice of beautiful photographs in a magical and secret garden.
A fairytale translated into music and tangible through the images, everything blends, everything is turned "Upside Down".
We are drawn back to childhood but alas remain adults, and allow ourself to be transported between sound and images in a dreamlike reality.​